The initial visit is comprehensive and includes a detailed review your current and recent symptoms, past medical history starting before birth, medical testing already completed, surgeries, allergies, family history, habits and functional status, current and previous environmental exposures, medications, supplements and other treatments including a detailed review of treatments that have been particularly helpful or harmful, and a thorough medical exam. The duration of the first visit varies and depends entirely on a person’s medical and environmental history. New patient visits have ranged from 2 to over 10 hours, but typically last around 4 hours. It is understood that this can be strenuous for ill patients and off the clock breaks can be arranged or a visit can split over more than one day if a person’s travel schedule allows for this. If neurocognitive testing is desired, Dr. Kaye Kilburn’s Neurotest battery can be scheduled on a different day near the time of the first visit and takes approximately 3 to 4 hours.
Fragrance-Free Office – Out of courtesy to the physician and other patients, please do not wear any scented products (perfume, lotions, deodorants, hair care products, etc) at the time of your appointment. Please ensure that clothes worn to the appointment have not been washed with any fabric softener or strongly scented detergents and that family members attending with you are also fragrance free.
Comfortable Outdoor Meeting Space Available – For those who prefer or require outdoor settings.
- Comprehensive medical evaluation and exam
- Ordering and review of diagnostic tests
- Prescription of appropriate medications and supplements
- Cooperative approach to treatment with close follow up and easy access to Dr. Hope
- Neurocognitive testing-Dr. Kaye Kilburn’s Neurotests
- Approach encompasses Dr. Hope’s training, knowledge and certifications in Family Practice, Environmental Medicine and Integrative Medicine, however she does not serve as a primary care provider or do legal work.
Conditions Treated:
While Dr. Hope focuses on underlying causes of illness which can include environmental exposures including mold, mycotoxins and other toxins, infection, immune reactivity, nutritional status, stress and genetics, common diagnoses patients have received include:
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Environmental and Food Allergies/Intolerances
- Chemical Sensitivity
- Insomnia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Anxiety and Panic Disorder
- Depression
- Myalgia/muscle aches/cramps
- Arthralgia/joint pain
- Chronic pain
- Weakness
- Chronic rhinitis/Chronic sinusitis
- Asthma/Reactive Airway Disease
- Dermatitis
- Lyme Disease
- CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)
- Positive ANA
- Brain fog
- Cognitive symptoms including memory loss/difficulty concentrating/word finding problems/confusion
- Non specific inflammation
- Visual symptoms
- Headaches including migraine headaches
- Poor balance
- Dizziness and vertigo
- Dysautonomia/POTS
- Hashimotos and other thyroid disorders
- Adrenal dysfunction
- Neuropathy
- Vitamin Deficiencies
- Edema
- Overweight/Obese
- Underweight/unwanted weight loss
- Fungal nails/skin conditions
- Genetic SNPs/MTHFR
A Typical Patient of Dr. Hope’s:
- Has seen many physicians with diagnoses received and treatments prescribed, but continues to have bothersome to debilitating symptoms
- Suspects and environmental exposure such as water damaged conditions or chemical exposure like formaldehyde or heavy metals is contributing to symptoms
- Standard labs are often normal/non diagnostic
- Is referred by other physicians or health care providers
- Knows others who have improved with Dr. Hope’s approach